Personal accounts on Twitter claimed that an Iranian candidate named Ruqayya Shibli Kermanshahi won in the Assad regime's parliament elections for the third legislative round, which took p...
IF YOUR TIME IS SHORT Media agencies and social media pages claimed Lebanon’s General Security Directorate had announced finding seven dead bodies of Syrian young men in Beirut, Leb...
IF YOUR TIME IS SHORT Four videos were falsely claimed to be showing the bombing of the GNA-controlled al-Watiya air force base in Libya (examples can be seen here, here, here, and here)....
IF YOUR TIME IS SHORT The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights claimed in May 2020 that the Global Coalition against Daesh instructed the construction of an “international court&rdqu...
IF YOUR TIME IS SHORT - Over the last week, activists and social media pages have circulated video footage that shows dozens of human bodies falling from a helicopter flying at high altit...
The Syrian regime representative in the United Nations, Bashar Jaafari, displayed at the Security Council emergency session, which was held today, a photo of a soldier kneeling, and a woma...
IF YOUR TIME IS SHORT Qasioun News Agency falsely claimed video footage shows an anti-Assad protest had erupted in the district of Jaramana, Rif Dimashq Governorate. In fact, the footag...
IF YOUR TIME IS SHORT Al-Jazeera English has claimed the Swaida Governorate remained loyal to the Assad regime throughout the Syrian uprising. Step News Agency, TRT Arabi hav...
IF YOUR TIME IS SHORT RT fabricated a news story about Syrian artist Aziz al-Asmar. It claimed al-Asmar said he doesn’t make revolutionary or political art. Al-Asmar and the photogr...
Verify Media Platform (Verify) is an independent and unbiased platform specialized in fact-checking established in Syria in early 2016 to counter the spread of misinformation. We envision a democratic society that ensures citizens' right to access the truth without distortion or misleading. Verify is registered in Turkey as an NGO under the number 27-027-110 and the name “Doğru Medya Derneği” in late 2021. In addition, Verify is a verified signatory of the International Fact-Checker Network (IFCN) and a trusted partner of Facebook in the MENA region since 2019.
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