Content that invokes science through unproven evidence, incorrect "scientific theories", or seeks to misrepresent a correct scientific interpretation to attract audience interest.
Content that invokes science through unproven evidence, incorrect "scientific theories", or seeks to misrepresent a correct scientific interpretation to attract audience interest.
ClaimNews pages and accounts on social media have claimed “the moon will appear in a pink color next Saturday, in an astronomical phenomenon” and accompanied pictures of the mo...
Claim Public pages on social media circulated an image that allegedly showed the solar eclipse as it appears from space, and the Milky Way is clearly visible in the background of the imag...
Claim A local Syrian radio station quoted a medical official in the Syrian regime as saying that the Indian mutation of the Corona virus is transmitted in the air, claiming that "the muta...
A viral claim has suggested that “Italian doctors” found that coronavirus “isn’t a virus” but “bacteria.” Among other things, the claim says the W...
Social media news pages and personal accounts shared a photo lately of an insect with big fangs. The pages and accounts said that this insect is called “Satan insect” and wa...
Arabic and Syrian social media pages shared reports saying World Health Organization changed the definition of sterility to contain single men and woman who are now describes as “dis...
Verify Media Platform (Verify) is an independent and unbiased platform specialized in fact-checking established in Syria in early 2016 to counter the spread of misinformation. We envision a democratic society that ensures citizens' right to access the truth without distortion or misleading. Verify is registered in Turkey as an NGO under the number 27-027-110 and the name “Doğru Medya Derneği” in late 2021. In addition, Verify is a verified signatory of the International Fact-Checker Network (IFCN) and a trusted partner of Facebook in the MENA region since 2019.
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