video story


This photo is not from Busr al-Harir in Daraa but from Damascus countryside

This photo is not from Busr al-Harir in Daraa but from Damascus countryside

  • 27369
  • 06-28

Social media pages and personal accounts shared a photo of civilian area before and after destruction, the upper part shows a huge destruction and dated “19/6/2018” and the sec...

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These photos are not for releasing detainees from Assad prisons

These photos are not for releasing detainees from Assad prisons

  • 28526
  • 06-10

Social media news pages and websites shared news saying Russian military police started counting detainees in Assad regime before releasing them in few hours. Pages and websites shared ne...

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This young man was killed in US-led coalition airstrike on Boukmal not in Yarmouk Camp

This young man was killed in US-led coalition airstrike on Boukmal not in Yarmouk Camp

  • 23594
  • 05-25

Social media pages and news websites shared a photo of a young man and said he is a Palestinian who was killed by Assad forces after he protested while they were looting his house in Yarmo...

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A recording of torturing the wounded in the field hospital is not from al-Ghouta

A recording of torturing the wounded in the field hospital is not from al-Ghouta

  • 20881
  • 04-22

Personal accounts on social media sites have recently shared a video recording showing armed men assaulting wounded young men by beating and interrogating them brutally. The recording pub...

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The Video Recording Showing the Brutal Torturing of a Man Was Not Filmed in al-Ghouta

The Video Recording Showing the Brutal Torturing of a Man Was Not Filmed in al-Ghouta

  • 29373
  • 04-21

Personal accounts and news pages on social media sites have recently shared a video recording of Russian-speaking armed elements torturing a man in civilian clothes. The video publisher...

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This is not the famous girl Nour on social media

This is not the famous girl Nour on social media

  • 22413
  • 03-14

Social media pages and personal accounts shared photos taken from a video by Assad regime official TV channel of a young girl left besieged Eastern Ghouta among other civilians through one...

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Video showing kids with breathing troubles is not from Idlib

Video showing kids with breathing troubles is not from Idlib

  • 20075
  • 02-05

Social media news pages and personal accounts shared a video showing kids with breathing troubles being treated in what appears to be a field hospital. Video publishers said it was take...

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The video showing Emirati official offer condolences for Russian pilot is from 2015

The video showing Emirati official offer condolences for Russian pilot is from 2015

  • 22055
  • 02-05

Social media pages and personal accounts shared news saying that UAE expressed condolences to Russian for the death of the Russian pilot whose warplane was shot down on Saturday in Idlib c...

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The woman without Hijab on a Minbar in a mosque published 6 months ago

The woman without Hijab on a Minbar in a mosque published 6 months ago

  • 37411
  • 01-05

Social media news pages and personal accounts shared a photo lately of a woman without Hijab on a Minbar (where Sheikhs deliver religious speeches) in a mosque. Photo publishers said the...

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