video story


These are not prisoners in Afrin

These are not prisoners in Afrin

  • 21421
  • 01-30

Pro-PYD social media news pages and accounts shared yesterday a video recording showing a number of people introducing their nicknames to the interviewer, including foreigners. The vide...

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Al Mayadeen TV has been broadcasting an intervention, from Afrin, of a detainee activist in ISIS

Al Mayadeen TV has been broadcasting an intervention, from Afrin, of a detainee activist in ISIS

  • 23503
  • 01-29

  In a news bulletin, Lebanese channel Al-Mayadeen presented an intervention of, as they called him, a "field activist" from the northern city of Afrin called "...

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These refugees fled Russian bombardment not Turkish bombardment

These refugees fled Russian bombardment not Turkish bombardment

  • 24928
  • 01-24

Social media news pages and personal accounts shared a photo showing dozens of civilians crossing an olive farm. Photo’s publishers said it is for civilians from Jenderis town in...

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These are prisoners of the regime's army and not from the Syrian opposition

These are prisoners of the regime's army and not from the Syrian opposition

  • 25636
  • 01-21

Pro-PYD news pages published yesterday a photograph of people wearing military uniforms, some of them on their knees. The photo's publishers said the people in this photo were membe...

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Salih Maslem did not plead Turkey to stop Operation "Olive Branch"

Salih Maslem did not plead Turkey to stop Operation "Olive Branch"

  • 24610
  • 01-21

Syrian news website shared today news titled "Salih Maslem: America does not respond to our calls and we ask Turkey to stop "Olive Branch" and we will negotiate unconditiona...

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this video is not of YPG attacking Turkish army base in Reyhanli

this video is not of YPG attacking Turkish army base in Reyhanli

  • 21156
  • 01-21

Pro-PYD social media pages and personal accounts shared a video showing intense shooting with heavy machine guns. Video publishers said it shows YPG targeting Turkish army base near Rey...

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this video is not related to "Olive Branch" operation

this video is not related to "Olive Branch" operation

  • 25074
  • 01-20

Twitter accounts shared a video showing the moment armed fighters targeted on a mountain. Video publishers said it's for Turkish warplanes targeted YPG point today. Following a r...

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Child in this photo was injured in Aleppo not Efrin

Child in this photo was injured in Aleppo not Efrin

  • 25911
  • 01-20

Social media news pages and personal accounts shared a photo of an injured child being treated in a hospital or a medical center. Photo publishers said the child was injured in Turkish...

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News claiming 700 medical cases extracted out of Eastern Ghouta are not true

News claiming 700 medical cases extracted out of Eastern Ghouta are not true

  • 21125
  • 01-20

Turkish news agency shared lately news titled "after Erdogan's endeavor.... 700 medical cases from Eastern Ghouta being treated in Damascus hospitals" saying hundreds of medi...

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