video story

Dirar Khattab

Dirar is Verify-Sy editor-in-chief, he has been a journalist since 2009, he was arrested by the security sector in Syria in late 2011 and was later released and moved to Turkey in 2012 then to Germany in 2015, he started working on producing documentaries since 2014.

These photos were taken in south Damascus not from Hama countryside

These photos were taken in south Damascus not from Hama countryside

  • 30677
  • 04-30

“Akhbar al-Aan” Facebook page shared today photos taken at night of fire and smoke rising from behind a civilian area with high buildings. The page said these are photos being...

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The Video Recording Showing the Brutal Torturing of a Man Was Not Filmed in al-Ghouta

The Video Recording Showing the Brutal Torturing of a Man Was Not Filmed in al-Ghouta

  • 30986
  • 04-21

Personal accounts and news pages on social media sites have recently shared a video recording of Russian-speaking armed elements torturing a man in civilian clothes. The video publisher...

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The Video Showing Dead Bodies Moving is from Egypt not Syria

The Video Showing Dead Bodies Moving is from Egypt not Syria

  • 47579
  • 04-15

Pro-Assad regime social media accounts and pages shared a video showing a number of people laying on the ground and wrapped inin the grave cloth. Video’s publishers said this video...

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This recording is from Riyadh and not a targeting of a Tomahawk missile in the skies of Syria

This recording is from Riyadh and not a targeting of a Tomahawk missile in the skies of Syria

  • 24250
  • 04-14

Iran's Fars News Agency today posted a video recording showing the moment when a ballistic missile was targeted by anti-aircraft missiles before it was destroyed. "The Assad re...

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France has not stated that "evidence of Damascus' chemical use" is available

France has not stated that "evidence of Damascus' chemical use" is available

  • 23999
  • 03-09

Pro-opposition news pages and personal accounts on social media sites shared yesterday evening, news that France "has full evidence of Damascus' use of chemical weapons against civilians i...

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Assad supporters promoting an acting video as it is in Eastern Gouta

Assad supporters promoting an acting video as it is in Eastern Gouta

  • 33521
  • 02-23

Pro Assad regime social media pages and personal accounts shared recently, a recording showing a group of young people while preparing children and young people to appear injured and their...

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This photo is not for dead “Olive Branch” operation fighters

This photo is not for dead “Olive Branch” operation fighters

  • 28425
  • 02-21

Social media pages and personal accounts shared a photo lately of dead bodies on a pick-up truck in what appears to be a farm. Photo’s publishers said the bodies are for “Tu...

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This recording has nothing to do with the death of Russian soldiers in a US raid on Deir al-Zour

This recording has nothing to do with the death of Russian soldiers in a US raid on Deir al-Zour

  • 26714
  • 02-17

Social media news pages and personal accounts shared today, a video recording showing dead people wearing military uniforms, charred corpses and burning military vehicles in a seemingly mi...

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An old video recording of an execution that is being shared recently claiming it is in Afrin

An old video recording of an execution that is being shared recently claiming it is in Afrin

  • 24730
  • 02-14

A video posted on social media websites showing Turkish-speaking armed men wearing uniforms executing two women by shooting. The recording publishers said the recording depicting Turkish...

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