video story

Adnan al-Hussen

Adnan started his media career in 2011, he received his bachelor degree in Arabic language from Istanbul University in 2019.

This photo was taken in Kirkuk in Iraq, not in Syria

This photo was taken in Kirkuk in Iraq, not in Syria

  • 22436
  • 06-20

Social media pages and personal accounts posted a photo of sheep that died of poisoning and were surrounded by several people, claiming that it was taken in al-Hasaka countryside. &ldqu...

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This Child Originated in Sinjar in Idlib, He Was Not a Yazidi From Iraq

This Child Originated in Sinjar in Idlib, He Was Not a Yazidi From Iraq

  • 22253
  • 06-13

Social media accounts circulated a photo of a child wearing a military uniform and holding a machine gun, claiming that he was a Yazidi child who was killed in clashes against Assad forces...

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