video story

Yasin Abu Fadel

Yasin is a Syrian journalist, he studied English language in Syria and worked as an editor in Verify-Sy.

Footage Isn’t of Targeting Convoy of Pro-Assad “al-Quds Brigade” Recently

Footage Isn’t of Targeting Convoy of Pro-Assad “al-Quds Brigade” Recently

  • 12201
  • 04-08

A number of Facebook pages have posted footage claiming that it shows a joint military convoy of the so-called “al-Quds Brigade” and the pro-Assad “National Defense Force...

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Is Soleimani's Daughter a U.S. Citizen?

Is Soleimani's Daughter a U.S. Citizen?

  • 44348
  • 01-06

A number of social media users have circulated a faked photo attributed to an Iranian website, claiming that the daughter of Qassem Soleimani, ex-commander of Iran’s elite Quds Force...

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Did Kurdish Activist Give Dog Food to U.S. Secretary of State?

Did Kurdish Activist Give Dog Food to U.S. Secretary of State?

  • 34615
  • 10-13

Social media pages and accounts have circulated a video of a woman giving a box to U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, claiming that “a Kurdish activist gave U.S. Secretary of State...

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This Video Is Unrelated to Recent Battles East of Euphrates

This Video Is Unrelated to Recent Battles East of Euphrates

  • 14579
  • 10-13

Social media pages close to the Democratic Union Party (PYD) have circulated a video of children who were crying inside destroyed building, with a text that reads, "Peace to Rojava," refer...

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Umit Ozdag Isn't Leader of Turkish Iyi Party

Umit Ozdag Isn't Leader of Turkish Iyi Party

  • 20917
  • 09-12

Several news websites identified Turkish opposition politician Umit Ozdag as "the new president of the Turkish Good Party (Iyi Party)." These claims came as they were quoting his statement...

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Did Popular Mobilization Forces Shot Down US Drone in Iraq?

Did Popular Mobilization Forces Shot Down US Drone in Iraq?

  • 18209
  • 08-25

Pro-Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces pages and social media accounts have circulated a photo of an aircraft burning in the sky, and another one that shows a crushed one, claiming that it...

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This Photo Was Taken by Syrian Photographer, not British One

This Photo Was Taken by Syrian Photographer, not British One

  • 35488
  • 08-18

Websites and social media pages have recently posted a photo of a blonde child who seemed to be in a tent. They have claimed that a British journalist, unnamed, took the photo in a refugee...

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Truth Behind “Syrians Protesting” in Turkey’s Hatay

Truth Behind “Syrians Protesting” in Turkey’s Hatay

  • 17203
  • 08-06

Turkish-language social media accounts posted a video of a gathering of persons, saying that it shows Syrians protesting in Turkey’s Hatay Province. “This is Hatay’s Rey...

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