
المحتوى الذي يتضمن مزيجاً من الحقائق والأكاذيب.

Official Clarification Denying Claims of Import Bans and Shedding Light on "Negative Lists" and False Announcements

أحمد بريمو
نشر: 2025-01-17 , 1:58 PM
القراءات: 10226


This artical was translated using artificial intelligence,the original language is Arabic

Recently, social media users have circulated claims alleging that the new Syrian administration banned the import of musical instruments entirely. Additionally, other claims suggested a ban on importing alcoholic beverages and pork products. These allegations were reportedly based on the absence of customs tariffs for these items in the customs pricing bulletin distributed to customs brokers in recent days.

The claims further alleged that the Syrian authorities issued a directive banning goods of Iranian, Israeli, and Russian origin from entering Syrian territory and seizing them. This was purportedly backed by a post from a Telegram channel claiming to represent the "General Authority for Land and Sea Ports of Syria."

Moreover, job advertisements for various border crossings, such as Dara’a, Jdeidet Yabous, Kassab, and others, were also widely circulated online.

دحض الادعاء

To verify these claims, Verify-sy conducted an exclusive phone interview with Mazen Alloush, Director of Public Relations at the General Authority for Land and Sea Ports. Alloush categorically denied the claims and clarified the following:

1. Were there any bans on importing specific items?

Alloush stated that the Ministry of Economy is responsible for issuing a list of "negative lists," which are still under preparation. These lists aim to support local production and protect the agricultural calendar. He clarified that these lists are separate from the customs tariff list recently distributed and have not yet been finalized or published.

2. Does the General Authority have official accounts?

Alloush denied the existence of any official accounts for the General Authority on social media. He emphasized that all accounts bearing the authority's name on Facebook or Telegram are fraudulent. He also confirmed that any decisions or announcements attributed to the authority on these platforms are fabricated. He stressed that the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) is the sole official source for any decisions issued by the authority. Official accounts are being developed in coordination with the government and will be announced via SANA once operational.

3. Are the job advertisements legitimate?

Alloush confirmed that these job advertisements are entirely fake. However, he noted that an official announcement was made by the Ministry of Interior regarding recruitment for the "General Directorate of Border Security," formerly known as the "Hajana." This entity is responsible for securing areas between border crossings, not the crossings themselves.

4. Are the customs tariffs final?

Addressing the controversy surrounding the recent customs tariff list, Alloush stated that updates and revisions are ongoing. Economic committees from the authority and the Ministry of Economy are consulting with traders and importers to assess the implications of the tariffs. A revised list will be issued soon, aiming to benefit both the national economy and citizens.


Mazen Alloush, Director of Public Relations at the General Authority for Land and Sea Ports, denied the claims regarding import bans on musical instruments, alcoholic beverages, and pork products. He clarified:

  • No decisions have been made about these items, and the "negative lists" are still under preparation.
  • The Ministry of Economy is responsible for issuing the lists, which will outline restricted items.
  • The authority does not currently operate any official social media accounts, and all decisions will be announced through SANA.
  • The job advertisements circulating on social media are fake, unrelated to the authority.

Alloush emphasized that the General Authority is working with the government to create official accounts, and an updated customs tariff list will be issued following ongoing consultations.

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