
المحتوى الانتقائي والذي يتضمن اجتزاء للحقائق أو تفضيل حقائق بعينها منزوعة من سياقها العام.

Has the Syrian armed opposition turned the Armenian Church in Ras al-Ain into an animal barn?

Syrian local news pages and social media accounts circulated an allegation that the Turkish-backed Syrian armed opposition had turned the Armenian Church in Ras al-Ain (Sere Kani) into an animal barn, but the claim is incorrect and taken out of context.

اقرأ المزيد
Do these photos prove that the Turkish forces are teaching children in Syria to bear arms?

Several Facebook pages published posts claiming that the Turkish army had started teaching children in the city of Ras al-Ain, north of Hasaka, in preparation for future recruitment, their claim was based on pictures showing children in a classroom, some of them holding electronic pieces in their hands, and people in military uniforms in front of them. However, the images referred to were used out of context and are not evidence of the claim.

اقرأ المزيد
Is Bip More Secure Than Whatsapp?

Two days ago, the commandership of the (Sultan Muhammad al-Fatih Division) of the Syrian National Army issued an administrative order for the fighters to delete WhatsApp application from their smart phones and to activate (Bip) app due to the new update in WhatsApp privacy policy that will be implemented next month. However, the (WhatsApp) application is considered more secure compared to (Bip) application.

اقرأ المزيد

لماذا تأكد؟!

منصة تأكد منصة مستقلة وغير متحيزة متخصصة بالتحقق من الأخبار والمعلومات تأسست في سوريا أوائل عام 2016 لمواجهة انتشار المعلومات المضللة.

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