
Arab and international media organizations address the OPCW report with misleading headlines

The websites of international media institutions and agencies published news about a report issued today by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons on the chemical weapons attack on Idlib countryside in 2018, using headlines that question the Syrian regime’s involvement in it. However, the report mentioned above confirmed the Syrian regime’s responsibility for using toxic chlorine to attack the east of Saraqib in Idlib countryside.

اقرأ المزيد
Does this young man work in shoe dyeing in Damascus, wearing a graduation uniform?



Users on social media circulated pictures that they claimed were of a young man who "has a master's degree in Damascus called Alaa, who did not get a job with his university degree, so he decided to wear his graduation uniform to work as a shoe dyer to be able to secure his livelihood." However, the pictures are not real, and it was not taken in Damascus and was taken as part of protest activity, the idea of Iraqi youth.

اقرأ المزيد

لماذا تأكد؟!

منصة تأكد منصة مستقلة وغير متحيزة متخصصة بالتحقق من الأخبار والمعلومات تأسست في سوريا أوائل عام 2016 لمواجهة انتشار المعلومات المضللة.

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