نظرية المؤامرة

المحتوى الذي يحرص على تضمين خططا خفية لمؤامرة ما ويقوم بالبناء على هذا الأساس بما يدعم توجها ما أو استنتاجا ما، دون أدلة أو قرائن واضحة ومثبتة.

“Different vaccines and a gene to be implanted” .. claims (Lutfi Ghars) regarding (Corona) vaccines have no evidence to support them

In a live broadcast on his Facebook page, the Tunisian journalist (Lutfi Ghars) made many allegations about Corona virus vaccines, most notably the difference in the vaccines sent to Arab countries from those used in Western countries, and “implanting a gene in the bodies of Arab people, to kill them.” Later, with smoke spread by civilian planes,” the media’s claims have no evidence to support them, and they fall within the context of the “conspiracy” theory.

اقرأ المزيد
Verify-Sy fact-check the "piling up of bodies" video and the allegations of "Hamish Military Hospital"

A video recording was widely shared on social media sites showing naked human bodies piled in a corridor and in a room that appeared to be in a hospital or morgue. Several Syrian accounts claimed that this video shows Russian doctors harvesting organs from the bodies of Syrian detainees at Hamish Military Hospital in Damascus, but this allegation is not based on any concrete evidence, and the video was probably filmed in an area where residents speak Russian. More details are in the investigation.

اقرأ المزيد

لماذا تأكد؟!

منصة تأكد منصة مستقلة وغير متحيزة متخصصة بالتحقق من الأخبار والمعلومات تأسست في سوريا أوائل عام 2016 لمواجهة انتشار المعلومات المضللة.

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