نظرية المؤامرة

المحتوى الذي يحرص على تضمين خططا خفية لمؤامرة ما ويقوم بالبناء على هذا الأساس بما يدعم توجها ما أو استنتاجا ما، دون أدلة أو قرائن واضحة ومثبتة.

“Different vaccines and a gene to be implanted” .. claims (Lutfi Ghars) regarding (Corona) vaccines have no evidence to support them

نجم الدين النجم
نشر: 2021-01-10 , 11:53 AM
القراءات: 35620


Yesterday, Saturday, the Tunisian journalist (Loutfi Ghars) spoke, in a live broadcast on his official page on the (Facebook) website, for 4:43 minutes, about a conspiracy targeting Arabs and Muslims, through vaccines for the emerging Corona virus (Covid-19).

The Tunisian journalist made many allegations during the broadcast, and from what he said: "Oh, nation of Arabs and Islam.. it is not Covid, and there is not even vaccination, and vaccines in the West are against colds, and the vaccines that they sent to you, O Nation of Islam, are to implant a gene in your bodies that remains for a hundred years." And when they want to kill you, they will send a civilian plane that spreads a little smoke, and the vaccinated person if he smells it is done without the need to send weapons and fleets."

In his speech, which was dominated by emotional preaching, the journalist warned the "Nation of Islam" of the danger of taking vaccinations against the Corona virus and said that killing him after this video would be a "martyr."

Gharss added that he did not seek fame through this video that he broadcast, but his motive was "fear for the nation of Islam." He also attacked Arab presidents and leaders, accusing them of collaborating with "Freemasonry."

The broadcast mentioned above video had a wide interaction, garnering more than one million views, 41 thousand shares, and thousands of comments, and it was also republished by pages and accounts on social networking sites.

Other conspiracy theories about coron vaccines:

دحض الادعاء

Although the journalist (Loutfi Ghars) claimed that his words were based on "conclusive evidence," he did not mention this evidence during the minutes of the published video, and he never mentioned any source for these allegations.

In a report published by the United Nations website on December 24, the World Health Organization (WHO) epidemiologist (Amjad Al-Khouli) said that "there are a lot of vaccines that are being talked about, and it must be noted that, for the vaccine to be approved, it must pass." There are three basic stages, the clinical or clinical stages, and its efficacy and safety measurement.

He added, "Until now, very few have completed the third stage. Officially, there are three vaccines that have completely completed the third stage, and there is a fourth vaccine that is said to be in the final stage of completing the third stage. What matters now is a study of the safety and efficacy of this vaccine by the World Health Organization." He pointed out that "it is tough to say which is better, because safety and efficacy differ from one vaccine to another, but it is important to realize that safety is very high in all vaccines that completed the third stage, and the difference is in effectiveness."


  1. There is no evidence that the (Corona) vaccines distributed in Arab countries differ from those distributed in Western countries.
  2. The journalist (Loutfi Ghars) did not mention any evidence to prove his allegations about the danger of (Corona) vaccines.
  3. According to the World Health Organization, vaccines that have passed the third phase of trials are completely safe.
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