Who is Nahla Issa, the Academic Referred for Investigation by the Ministry of Higher Education?

عبد السلام الحموي
نشر: 2025-02-08 , 9:05 PM
تعديل: 2025-03-06 , 11:08 PM
القراءات: 711


On February 4, Dr. Nahla Issa, a professor at the University of Damascus' Faculty of Media, was suspended following protests by students calling for her dismissal. In response to inquiries, Verify Syria obtained an official decree from the Syrian Ministry of Higher Education, signed by Minister Dr. Abdul Munim Abdul Hafiz, confirming her suspension and referral for investigation.

Student Protest Against nepotism and Unfairness

On Tuesday, February 4, 2025, students from the University of Damascus' Faculty of Media protested outside the faculty building, calling for the removal of academic and administrative figures accused of corruption, favoritism, and bias. Dr. Nahla Issa, the Deputy Dean, was at the forefront of those they demanded be dismissed.

A sign held by a Faculty of Media student during the protest at the University of Damascus calling for Dr. Nahla Issa’s departure – February 4, 2025 (Social Media).

Who Is Dr. Nahla Issa?

Dr. Nahla Issa, originally from Al-Sheen in the Homs countryside, served as Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Media for Administrative Affairs from late 2010 until her dismissal in 2022. During her tenure, Issa exerted significant influence behind the scenes, using her administrative role to control various aspects of university operations.

She is accused of facilitating the arrest of over 200 students, sparking outrage within the academic community. Additionally, she has been a vocal supporter of the ousted Assad regime, frequently defending its actions in media interviews and dismissing reports of human rights violations as "media fabrications”.

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