تلاعب بالحقائق

المحتوى الذي يعتمد على حقائق لكن يتم توظيفها في سياق غير صحيح بما يؤدي إلى عكس هذه الحقائق.

This young man was killed on Syrian-Turkish borders 2 years ago

محمد الخطيب
نشر: 2017-09-15 , 3:52 AM
القراءات: 15773


Pro-PYD social media pages shared lately news saying Turkish army killed young man called Rashied Smeito on Syrian-Turkish borders in Efrin in Aleppo northern countryside, the pages attached the photo of the man drowning in his blood.

After a search by Verify-Sy turns out ths incident happened 2 years ago
On 17 September 2015 Rojavanews website published the same photo and said Turkish border guards killed (Rashid Samieto) who was born in 1993 from Bulbul district of Efrin trying to cross to Turkey.

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المزيد من التصحيحات المتعلقة بـ: SY

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