آرام العبد الله

محرر استقصائي منذ عام ٢٠١٦ وحتى كانون الأول 2022، (اسم مستعار لأسباب تتعلق بأمن الكاتب)

Verify-Sy platform participates in the activities of the Arab Forum for Media and Scientific Communication


Verify Media Platform has participated in the "Arab Forum for Media and Scientific Communication", between 26-28/February/2022. The forum is the first virtual event presented in Arabic and has brought together a group of notable Arab journalists and media outlets.

اقرأ المزيد
What is the truth about the manufacture of a naval vessel in the Syrian city of Baniyas?



The Syrian regime, through its official and affiliated media, announced the "flotation of a locally-manufactured Syrian ship" in the city of Baniyas. Officials in the Syrian regime claimed that the ship, with the name "Farah Star", was made with Syrian expertise and hands, but the claim is incorrect.

اقرأ المزيد

لماذا تأكد؟!

منصة تأكد منصة مستقلة وغير متحيزة متخصصة بالتحقق من الأخبار والمعلومات تأسست في سوريا أوائل عام 2016 لمواجهة انتشار المعلومات المضللة.

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