video story

Is Bip More Secure Than Whatsapp?

  • 55648
  • 01-13

Two days ago, the leadership of the (Sultan Muhammad al-Fateh) Division of the Syrian Na...

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Verify-Sy fact-check the "piling up of bodies" video and the allegations of "Hamish Military Hospital"

  • 43748
  • 12-06

Warning: The links included in the investigation contain scenes that may be gruesome and...

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A "poem" with sectarian terms attributed to Adonis... What is its truth?

  • 10168
  • 10-12

Accounts on Facebook recently circulated what they called a "poem" that includes phrases...

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Was an ISIS leader injured in the recent explosion in Afrin?

  • 6678
  • 09-16

The claimYesterday, activists loyal to the Democratic Union Party (PYD) circulated the n...

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This photo is not of a Russian officer killed in Syria

  • 10023
  • 08-13

 If your time is short  Social media news pages and personal accounts posted...

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Does this video prove “Turkey is looting antiquities of Efrin?”

  • 10993
  • 08-04

IF YOUR TIME IS SHORT  Social media accounts recently shared a video recording sho...

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What is the truth about winning an Iranian candidate in the Assad regime's parliament elections?

  • 8318
  • 07-25

Personal accounts on Twitter claimed that an Iranian candidate named Ruqayya Shibli Kerm...

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SOHR Fabricates News that Global Coalition Established Court for ISIS Detainees

  • 14971
  • 07-04

IF YOUR TIME IS SHORT The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights claimed in May 2020 that...

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The Photo is for an Iraqi Soldier not a Syrian, Bashar Jaafari Mislead the Security Council with a Forged Photo

  • 6926
  • 06-16

The Syrian regime representative in the United Nations, Bashar Jaafari, displayed at the...

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