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The Emirati passport is not the highest ranking in the world

The Emirati passport is not the highest ranking in the world

Ahmad Primo Ahmad Primo   Sunday 02nd December 2018

Ahmad Primo Ahmad Primo   Sunday 02nd December 2018

News websites and channels shared news saying the UAE passport achieved an unprecedented achievement by being the highest ranking and allow its holders to enter 167 countries.

The websites and channels cited a website called “Passport Index” which shows the Emirati passport as the top ranking.

Following an investigation by Verify-Sy, it turns out that “Passport Index” website is not officially recognized in rating passports and ranking it, and after searching for the website it turns out it is affiliated with “Arton Capital” company which is located in Dubai according to its official website.

Verify-Sy would like to remind audience that the ranking used by majority of the international organizations, media outlets and governments including Dubai government is .

Verify-Sy also attach a post by the media office of Dubai Government on its official Facebook page earlier this year depending on Henley index to show the progress done in the past 10 years.

Verify-Sy also share a tweet by the International Air Transport Association IATA official account on Twitter asking its followers to check their passports on Henely index.

According to Henely index, the Japanese passport is the best in 2018 and allow its holders to enter 190 countries without visa followed by Singapore passport which allow the citizens to enter 189 countries without visa then the German and South Korean with 188 countries. The index rank passports which can enter less than 168 countries without visa from 20 and you can see the UAE passport in the 21 rank allowing the citizens to enter 161 countries without visa.