video story

The Turkish Girl Who Fell of the Stage While Singing Didn't Die

  • 51484
  • 12-03

Social media news pages and websites shared a video of a girl singing in Turkish before...

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Verify-Sy reporter visit the family of Rajab, Tayyip and Erdogan and confirm their death

  • 19947
  • 11-07

Social media Turkish accounts and websites denied the news that 3 children named after T...

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This photo is for a fashion model not for a girl killed in Turkey

  • 17702
  • 10-31

Syrian social media news pages shared lately a photo of a Hijabi girl said she was kille...

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This photo is not from protest against new curriculum in Turkey

  • 15711
  • 09-17

Pro-regime social media pages shared a photo of a protest at the night and said it is fo...

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Turkish government didn’t launch a project to send back Syrian refugees

  • 18336
  • 08-09

Pro-regime social media pages and accounts shared a news saying Turkish government launc...

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What’s being shared about reunification in Turkey was issued a year ago

  • 15898
  • 07-25

Verify-Sy received many messages asking about if it is true that Turkish authority issue...

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RT Misquotes a Guardian's Report

  • 17382
  • 05-09

RT news channel website has published parts of a report by The Guardian titled “Ga...

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