Who is Nahla Issa, the Academic Referred for Inves...
Saturday 08th February - Confirmed
Ahmad Sarhil
Monday 16th March 2020
A Turkish-language statement claimed to be of new decisions issued by Turkey’s ministry of health’s decisions to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus has been circulated Monday Mar. 16 on social media.
The circulated four-decision document has claimed that the places of worship, transport hubs, restaurants, and bars will be closed as well as opening supermarkets three days a week for a limited time.
The Statement is Faked
Commenting on the document that has gone viral among Turks and Arabs on social media, Turkey's Health Minister Fahrettin Koca declared that the document is faked. “The purpose of spreading this faked document is to cause loss of confidence among the 82 million people in Turkey to become vulnerable,” Koca wrote on Twitter, inviting people not to allow any manipulation of their feelings. “The true news is declared by official channels.”
Turkish media reported that Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor's Office has launched an investigation into the faked statement.
Turkey’s Response to Covid-19
Turkey’s Ministry of Health announced Sunday midnight, Mar. 15, identifying 12 new cases of the coronavirus infections nationwide, bringing its total to 18. This was preceded by the announcement of the Ministry of Interior to suspend activities at nightclubs, dance clubs, and bars as of Mar. 16 to help contain the spread of the novel virus.
Ali Erbas, Turkey's Head of Religious Affairs, declared Monday suspending mass prayers, including the Friday prayer. He, however, said the mosques will be kept open for individual prayers.
Also, Turkey’s Ministry of Education has decided to cancel education activities at primary, secondary, and high schools for two weeks, university lessons for three weeks, and all theory lessons for driving until the end of this month. These measures have been put into effect as of Mar. 16.
Saturday 08th February - Confirmed
Saturday 08th February - Fraud
Tuesday 04th February - Fraud
Tuesday 04th February - Futility
Monday 03rd February - Fraud
Saturday 25th January - Fraud
Tuesday 31st December - Fraud
Friday 18th February - Fraud
Tuesday 15th February - Fraud
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Friday 03rd September - Fraud
Thursday 10th June - Fraud
Wednesday 03rd March - Fraud
Tuesday 19th January - Fraud
Thursday 29th October - Fraud
Sunday 02nd May - Fraud
Sunday 10th January - Fraud
Tuesday 26th May - Fraud
Tuesday 26th May - Fraud
Sunday 26th April - Fraud
Verify Media Platform (Verify) is an independent and unbiased platform specialized in fact-checking established in Syria in early 2016 to counter the spread of misinformation. We envision a democratic society that ensures citizens' right to access the truth without distortion or misleading. Verify is registered in Turkey as an NGO under the number 27-027-110 and the name “Doğru Medya Derneği” in late 2021. In addition, Verify is a verified signatory of the International Fact-Checker Network (IFCN) and a trusted partner of Facebook in the MENA region since 2019.
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