video story

Keywords - Turkish army

This Video Doesn't Show Uyghur Armed Men Participating In Military Operation Northeast Syria

  • 21022
  • 11-10

A Facebook page called “Manbij Mubashar” has posted last Sunday, November 3, a video showing armed men dressed in military uniform and carrying the flag of Turkey along with th...

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This Video Was Taken in Deir al-Zor, Not in Ra's al-Ayn

  • 14688
  • 10-17

Pro-Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) Facebook pages have posted a video Wednesday, claiming that its shows heavy clashes between the SDF and the Turkish forces in the city of Ra's al-Ayn nor...

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What Happened During Demonstrations near Syria-Turkey Border?

  • 17195
  • 08-31

Media outlets along with social media accounts and pages have circulated misinformation about demonstrations yesterday in Idlib province, especially near Syria-Turkey border. A page calle...

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What is the truth behind the wall that is being built by Turkey to isolate Afrin?

  • 31936
  • 04-20

Pro-Assad regime and pro-PYD media outlets reported that the Turkish army is building a cement wall around Afrin city aiming to isolate it, and that the army has demolished a number of civ...

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