video story

The Eight-year-old Murdered Child in Mosul was Iraqi, not Syrian

  • 18657
  • 05-03

News that a Syrian child was brutally murdered at a refugee camp in Iraq has been circul...

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Did Saddam Hussein Talk about Coronavirus?

  • 26816
  • 03-18

Footage in which Saddam Hussein appears with Iraqi military officers have been circulate...

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Iran’s Fars News Agency and RT Fabricate Video of Targeting U.S. Base in Iraq

  • 15120
  • 01-08

The Iranian Fars News Agency has published a video, claiming that it shows Iran’s...

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None of These Videos Show Assassination of Iran’s Sulaimani

  • 20138
  • 01-05

Since the assassination of Major General Qasem Sulaimani, ex-head of Iran’s elite...

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Did Popular Mobilization Forces Shot Down US Drone in Iraq?

  • 18205
  • 08-25

Pro-Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces pages and social media accounts have circulated a...

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This Child Originated in Sinjar in Idlib, He Was Not a Yazidi From Iraq

  • 21794
  • 06-13

Social media accounts circulated a photo of a child wearing a military uniform and holdi...

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This video is not for torturing protestors in Basra city in Iraq

  • 21470
  • 09-03

Social media news pages, groups and personal accounts shared a video showing men wearing...

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IDs found with Iraqi army and PMU casualties are not Turkish documents

  • 15380
  • 10-25

Syrian and Iraqi news pages shared today photos and videos showing Peshmerga fighters ho...

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This photo is not for PMU commander Abu Izrael

  • 17459
  • 10-20

Syrian and Iraqi social media pages shared a photo of a dead man with long black beard a...

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