video story

Footage Isn’t of “Russian Officer Who Killed Himself After Getting Infected with Coronavirus”

  • 14395
  • 04-11

A number of social media pages and profiles have circulated footage of a man carrying a...

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Did Putin Wear a Hazmat Suit in Meeting with Russian Officials?

  • 26854
  • 03-27

Two photos of Russian President Vladimir Putin wearing a yellow full-body hazmat suit, a...

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Has Russia Unleashed Lions on Streets to Force Home Quarantine due to Coronavirus?

  • 21823
  • 03-23

Websites and social media pages have claimed on Monday March 22, 2020, that Russian auth...

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This Car Wasn’t Buried By Its Owner to Hide It for His Grandchildren

  • 15352
  • 11-27

Arab social media pages and personal accounts shared photos of “burying a car&rdqu...

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Russian defence ministry using fake photo to support its claim about US support to ISIS

  • 18236
  • 11-14

Accounts affiliated to Russia defence ministry on social media shared aerial footage abo...

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Old statement by Putin re-shared now during his visit to Turkey

  • 18170
  • 09-29

Social media pages and accounts shared a photo of news on al-Arabiya channel quoting Rus...

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Translation in this video is not correct

  • 14168
  • 08-03

Activists on social media shared a video showing the moment when a Russian reporter was...

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