video story

This video does not depict the French police attacking Muslims in France.

  • 6287
  • 10-29

Accounts and pages on social media circulated a video showing a group of policemen beati...

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Did France Forcibly Discharge Naturalized French Patients from Hospitals to Admit Citizens of French Descent?

  • 14584
  • 04-17

Activists on social media have recently circulated news that France had forced French ci...

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Fabricated Statement attributed to Le Pen: “We Won’t Admit Arab Officials to (Frane’s) Hospitals.”

  • 15827
  • 03-25

News websites and social media pages and users have recently circulated a statement attr...

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Wrong translation of what this French protestor said

  • 24406
  • 12-09

Social media pages and news websites shared news titled "French policewoman cries and sa...

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Macron didn't wear a yellow vest as an apology to the protesters and the video of throwing an egg on him is old

  • 22381
  • 12-05

Social media news pages and personal accounts shared a photo of the French president Mac...

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Charlie Hebdo didn’t publish a racist cartoon of French footballers

  • 26485
  • 07-23

Social media news pages and personal accounts shared a photo of a racist cartoon against...

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France has not stated that "evidence of Damascus' chemical use" is available

  • 22383
  • 03-09

Pro-opposition news pages and personal accounts on social media sites shared yesterday e...

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Rifat Assad’s son deny his father's death

  • 39332
  • 09-16

Social media pages and accounts shared news saying Bashar Al-Assad's uncle Rifat died in...

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