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Keywords - Assad

This Video Does Not Show Turkish Troops Targeting Assad Regime Positions

  • 15405
  • 02-20

Social media users and news pages have circulated today footage of several military vehicles carrying launchers launching missiles from behind earthen berms. The video went viral as news...

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Al-Jazeera, Al-Arabiya Spread Misinformation on Assad's Forces Advances in Aleppo

  • 20239
  • 02-18

Two major Arabic-Language TV channels have claimed the Russian-backed regime of Bashar al-Assad has captured the whole province of Aleppo, after launching ground and aerial offensive follo...

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Khaldoun Zahreddine Isn't Son of Infamous General Issam Zahreddine of Assad Forces

  • 142045
  • 01-15

News websites and social media news users have reported Tuesday that Khaldoun Zahreddine, a soldier of the Syrian regime forces, was killed by a mine planted by ISIS in the desert of Deir...

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Syrian Sentenced to Life in Prison in Germany Isn’t Member of Assad’s Army

  • 15568
  • 01-14

Several news websites and Facebook pages claimed Tuesday that a German court had sentenced a soldier of the Assad forces to life in prison. It has been claimed that the soldier led a group...

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Those Assaulted Young Men Are Not "Returning to the Bliss of Homeland"

  • 16996
  • 12-19

A video recording was lately widely circulated among various social networks. It shows a number of detained men in a bus getting humiliated, cursed, and hit by women who were inside the bu...

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Did Turkey Issued Decree to Repatriate Pro-Assad Syrians?

  • 21071
  • 12-17

Facebook pages and profiles have circulated a photo of a document written in Turkish, claiming that the document is a decree to repatriate Assad-loyalist Syrians who expressed their suppor...

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Opposition-combatants who went missing in action in Hama countryside didn’t come back from the dead

  • 21594
  • 06-21

Combatants who went missing during recent clashes with Assad forces in Hama countryside has been found, social media accounts claimed. “10 martyrs from Saraqeb came back from the dea...

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Photos of civilian victims were claimed to be of opposition combatants

  • 24567
  • 06-18

Pro-Assad regime Facebook pages posted photos claiming that they are of opposition combatants who were killed by regime forces. These pages posted three photos of plain-clothes you...

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Assad State Media Distort an Israeli Channel 12 Report to Discredit the White Helmets

  • 22595
  • 06-06

Pro-Assad media outlets reported on an investigative news story broadcasted by Israeli Channel 12 that is entitled “The True Story: The Relationship with Syria.” They claimed t...

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Raqqa: Assad forces has not advanced, nor clashed with SDF

  • 20367
  • 04-28

The Russian news agency “Sputnik” reported, “The Syrian army managed to advance 3 kilometers on Friday in the southwest frontline of Raqqa, supported by the Russian and...

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What is the reality behind "targeting a military vehicle in Marea"?

  • 22055
  • 04-26

Social media pages and accounts reported that members of Assad forces targeted an Euphrates Shield military vehicle on Wednesday, in reference to Turkish-backed FSA factions, near Mare&r...

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Liwa Thuwar al-Raqqa commander-in-chief did not turn himself in to Assad forces

  • 22095
  • 04-19

Pro-regime media outlets reported recently that Liwa Thuwar al-Raqqa (LTR) commander-in-chief Ahmad al-Othman, known as Abu Esaa, turned himself in to “the Syrian authorities”,...

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Did Russia leaked an insulting photo of Bashar al-Assad?

  • 22607
  • 03-09

News websites and social media pages shared a photo of Bashar al-Assad waiting for the Russian president Putin while he was speaking with someone else. Websites and pages said that the Ru...

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