video story

Keywords - SDF

This Video Was Taken in Deir al-Zor, Not in Ra's al-Ayn

  • 14690
  • 10-17

Pro-Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) Facebook pages have posted a video Wednesday, claiming that its shows heavy clashes between the SDF and the Turkish forces in the city of Ra's al-Ayn nor...

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Did Kurdish Activist Give Dog Food to U.S. Secretary of State?

  • 34615
  • 10-13

Social media pages and accounts have circulated a video of a woman giving a box to U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, claiming that “a Kurdish activist gave U.S. Secretary of State...

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This Is Old Video from Afrin, It Isn’t Of Releasing Prisoners from SDF’s Prisons East of Euphrates

  • 19074
  • 10-12

Social media accounts and pages have recently circulated a video in which a number of civilians including children and women appear in a building that seem like warehouse. They have claime...

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Commander at National Army Denies Being Arrested in Syria’s al-Hasaka

  • 20142
  • 10-12

Pro-Democratic Union Party (PYD) social media pages and profiles have reported that the PYD have arrested Milad al-Hammoud, one of the commanders at the al-Hamza Special Forces faction of...

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Misleading Videos about Turkish Military Operation East of Euphrates

  • 15445
  • 10-11

Social media accounts have circulated two videos, in which civilians killed and injured appear, claiming that it shows victims of Turkish airstrikes on northeast Syria. In addition, a thir...

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Raqqa: Assad forces has not advanced, nor clashed with SDF

  • 19670
  • 04-28

The Russian news agency “Sputnik” reported, “The Syrian army managed to advance 3 kilometers on Friday in the southwest frontline of Raqqa, supported by the Russian and...

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Did Macron thank SDF because it helped France to prevent massacres?

  • 22358
  • 02-26

Pro-PYD\SDF news websites shared news saying French President Emmanuel Macron thanked Syrian Democratic Forces SDF because it helped France getting rid of ISIS.The websites added that the...

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