video story

Four Miscaptioned Videos Falsely Attributed to Attack on GNA-Controlled Air Force Base in Libya

  • 15735
  • 07-08

IF YOUR TIME IS SHORT Four videos were falsely claimed to be showing the bombing of the...

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Two False Narratives about Skydiving Video

  • 24798
  • 06-27

IF YOUR TIME IS SHORT - Over the last week, activists and social media pages have circu...

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Truth behind Video of “Turkish Warplanes Targeting Military Convoy in Libya”

  • 18516
  • 01-09

Some Tweeters have posted Wednesday footage of what seems to be fighter jets attacking a...

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Manipulated Video Falsely Claims That “Syrian Mercenary Was Held Captive in Libya”

  • 19829
  • 01-02

A video of an interview with a man dressed in military uniform has surfaced on Facebook...

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These victims died drowning three years ago not recently

  • 19364
  • 09-22

Social media news pages and personal accounts shared news saying 105 immigrants drowned...

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