video story



Content that contains false information as long as it does not affect the entire content.

Content that contains false information as long as it does not affect the entire content.

Verify-Sy reporter visit the family of Rajab, Tayyip and Erdogan and confirm their death

Verify-Sy reporter visit the family of Rajab, Tayyip and Erdogan and confirm their death

  • 20424
  • 11-07

Social media Turkish accounts and websites denied the news that 3 children named after Turkish presidents Rajab Tayyip and Erdogan were killed in Idlib countryside. The accounts and websi...

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“Abu Ali Damar” is not a commander in Hayyet Tahrir al-Sham

“Abu Ali Damar” is not a commander in Hayyet Tahrir al-Sham

  • 15204
  • 10-31

Social media Syrian news pages and networks shared news saying a military commander in Hayyet Tahrir al-Sham called “Abu Ali Damar” was assassinated. The networks added that...

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This photo is for a fashion model not for a girl killed in Turkey

This photo is for a fashion model not for a girl killed in Turkey

  • 18204
  • 10-31

Syrian social media news pages shared lately a photo of a Hijabi girl said she was killed in Turkey after converting to Islam. The photo publishers said the girl is Jordanian called Yas...

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This video of how accurate temper wolf rifle is fake

This video of how accurate temper wolf rifle is fake

  • 20548
  • 10-29

Social media pages shared a video of a soldier using a very modern sniper rifle, the video shows the target in a mountain area behind trees and the sniper shooting targets one by one. ...

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 This photo is not for a TV series on Syrian refugees with Ronaldo

This photo is not for a TV series on Syrian refugees with Ronaldo

  • 16985
  • 10-26

Social media news pages and personal accounts shared a photo of Portuguese football player Cristiano Ronaldo holding the hands of old woman. Pages said this photo is taken from a TV ser...

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These leaflets weren’t dropped by Turkish warplanes

These leaflets weren’t dropped by Turkish warplanes

  • 17036
  • 10-25

Anti-Assad regime social media pages shared photos saying it is in Manbij city in Aleppo eastern countryside titles with “Free Syrian Army” and vow to kick “Democratic Un...

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This photo is not for PMU commander Abu Izrael

This photo is not for PMU commander Abu Izrael

  • 17924
  • 10-20

Syrian and Iraqi social media pages shared a photo of a dead man with long black beard and said it is for Iraq PMU militia Abu Izrael. Verify-Sy searched for the source of the photo and...

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This photo is not for Issam Zahereddin

This photo is not for Issam Zahereddin

  • 25514
  • 10-18

Anti-Assad regime Syrian news pages and personal accounts shared a photo of a male body with white beard and said it is for Brigadier General in Assad regime army Issam Zahereddin wrapped...

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Old video being shared as for clashes between Peshmerga and Iraqi forces

Old video being shared as for clashes between Peshmerga and Iraqi forces

  • 13706
  • 10-17

Global websites and tv channels shared a video showing nigh clashes and heavy machine guns firing at night. Video publishers said it for fierce clashes between Iraqi forces and PMU agai...

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Accounts with “central channel oh Hmimiem airbase” are unofficial

Accounts with “central channel oh Hmimiem airbase” are unofficial

  • 17788
  • 10-15

Syrian opponent news websites shared statement by Russian base in Syria “Hmimiem” saying that Turkish intervention in north Syria is “illegitimate as long as Ankara didn&...

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Barcelona and Real Madrid players didn't announce solidarity with "Syrian national team"

Barcelona and Real Madrid players didn't announce solidarity with "Syrian national team"

  • 17681
  • 10-06

Pro-regime social media pages and accounts shared news titled "Barcelona and Real Madrid players congratulate Syrian national team" saying that players from both teams were impressed and a...

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Nothing in this video related to women’s driving in Saudi Arabia

Nothing in this video related to women’s driving in Saudi Arabia

  • 13929
  • 10-06

Social media pages and personal accounts shared video from Yotube showing group of men attacking a black car with women screaming in the background. The video is published with very low...

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Turkish military police didn’t enter Idlib

Turkish military police didn’t enter Idlib

  • 19640
  • 09-30

Social media pages and accounts shared news saying Turkish military police started spreading in Idlib province. Russian agency Interfax said “Turkish military police spreading in Id...

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This video of ISIS in Iran is not real

This video of ISIS in Iran is not real

  • 13788
  • 09-17

Social media pages and accounts shared photo showing pick-up truck with black and white flag used by ISIS in a street. داعش يتجولون في #ايران ومتجهين الى #العراق لما نقول داعش صناعة #...

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This university trade-offs is not recognized by Syrian interim government

This university trade-offs is not recognized by Syrian interim government

  • 14738
  • 08-28

Syrian news websites shared news saying Syrian Interim Government “High Education Council” issued the general trade-offs for universities for 2017-2018. The websites added t...

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Nawaf al-Bashir doesn't have any Facebook page

Nawaf al-Bashir doesn't have any Facebook page

  • 17151
  • 08-27

Pro-opposition website shared today news titled "after going back to Assad regime Syrian intelligence humiliating Nawaf al-Bashir" saying that Assad regime intelligence humiliated Nawaf al...

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Clarification on fake statement by Canadian Prime Minister

Clarification on fake statement by Canadian Prime Minister

  • 17518
  • 08-18

Facebook page under the name “Canadian Embassy” shared a statement by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau saying Canada will accept more than 500k immigrant from Arab countr...

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Nawaf al-Basheer didn’t threat “Usud al-Sharqyie” via Facebook

Nawaf al-Basheer didn’t threat “Usud al-Sharqyie” via Facebook

  • 16869
  • 08-18

Pro-opposition news website shared news of alleged threat by al-Baqara clans leader Nawaf al-Basheer to armed opposition group “Jaysh Usud al-Sharqyie” in case they harmed the...

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